Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Madonna's "Hard Candy" just released

Madonna's new album just released. First time I heard it was ok, second was "yes!", from the third time I can't stop listening to it. It totally needs its time to grow in you!


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Este - Ready for Love

This is actually a greek song from the soundtrack of the greek film "Deep End" sang by the film's main actress Maria Korinthiou.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bowling Trick


How to solve the Rubik cube in 6 secs.

Homer Simpson and Super Mario in Real Life!

Touchless(!!!) remote control

Bang & Olufsen has created the new Touchless B&O remote control. Still a prototype, it was designed by Joris Van Gelder. Inspired by the idea of making a remote control exclusively for kitchen use, he wanted to come up with something you didn't need to touch because remote controls are considered to be one of the gadgets that house maximum bacteria.

Remote for B&O from Engadget on Vimeo.